Toyo Engineering Project

Biggest Units
HL & ODC Units
Kardelen Barge
Gas Separation, Ethane Cracker and Polypropylene Units plant
Toyo Engineering Corporation
State Concern “TURKMENGAS”
April 2015 – November 2016
Total tonnage:
18 392 tons
Total volume:
85 025 FRT
Services provided:
Ro Ro jetty construction at Kianly;
Vessels offloading and terminal handling in port Turkmenbashy for GC, ODC and HL units;
Delivery of cargoes from port Turkmenbashy and Kianly jetty upto TGPC site;
ODC permissions obtaining;
Rout preparations and convoys arrangement;
Construction of by-passes;
Sea barge chartering and agency service;
Barge ballasting and assistance in roll off operations at RO-RO jetty;
Customs brokerage;
For implementation of this project, AY constructed Ro-Ro jetty in Kiyanly. Freight Barge and tug boat for pulling HL/ODC items from Turkmenbashy port directly to Kiyanly. AY executed overall offloading & loading operations in Turkmenbashy port.
Max. piece was transported on barge 163MT, 145MT and 205MT average.
Total quantity to be transported is 50 HL/ODC pieces.
In August’2016 AY executed the offloading at Turkmenbashy Sea Port and further roll on / roll off operations by SMPT 40 axles trailers from Ro-Ro jetty Kiyanly of Polypropylene and Ethylene fractionators which arrived from Constanta port, and weighing 534MT and 343MT respectively.